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Report an issue to a company,
find out about your rights with France's Fraud Control.
If you have a question about tickets, flights, hotels, restaurants, transport, payments, etc. regarding your stay in France for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, your answer might be here : Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games : consumer questions.
What problem did you encounter?
About SignalConso in English
This is a limited version of SignalConso dedicated to consumer issues experienced by individuals visiting France, or purchasing on a French website. If you are confortable with French, switch to SignalConso in French to see the full version .

In-store purchases
Price, promotion, quality, weight, warranty, etc.

Online purchases
Price, promotion, quality, weight, warranty, delivery issues, etc.

Travel / Leisure
Cancellation, delay, plane, train, boat, taxi or ride-hailing service, hotel, campsite, show, gym, …

Cafe / Restaurant
Incorrect description, poor hygiene, problem with ordering or delivery, etc.

Food poisoning
You fell sick (vomiting, diarrhea) after eating suspicious food.

Ma sécurité
Wallet theft, assault in a shop, etc.
External link