How does it work?
1. Have you run into a problem with a French business?

Have you run into an issue with a company or business, in-store or online, that is either French or operates in France? As a consumer, you can make a report on the SignalConso platform.
Not sure if your issue should be reported? SignalConso can advise you on whether or not to submit a report. If we advise you not to, we'll explain why!
2. Report the company on SignalConso or submit a question to France's Fraud Control.

Report the problem (anonymously if you prefer) or submit a question directly to a member of staff of Fraud Control:
Either way, SignalConso will provide guidance and advice.
3. Both the owner of the business and Fraud Control are notified.

If you do make a report, SignalConso will contact the owner of the company to inform them. They may decide to respond to you and/or address the issue. SignalConso will notify you by email as to what actions they have taken. If you give your contact details, the company will be able to contact you directly.
If you submit a query about your rights to Fraud Control, you will receive a personalised email from a member of the Fraud Control staff.
4. Fraud Control gets involved if necessary.

Your report will be added to the Fraud Control database.
Is one company receiving a high number of reports? Do investigators believe the matter is serious? Fraud Control may decide to investigate or audit a business after receiving your report.
Try it yourself!
If you encountered an issue with a French company, or a company operating in France, you can make your first report: